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#1 08-02-2019 14:00:33

Visiteur Assidu
Inscription : 06-10-2017
Messages : 91

425cc engine 6 volt

Hi i need help i to start the engine it is out of the car. There are 2 wires from the dynamo which go up into the wiring loom, next the 2 wires from the loom go onto the bobine i have no spark. i have connected the 3 wires to the regulater from the loom


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#2 08-02-2019 14:03:08

Visiteur Assidu
Inscription : 06-10-2017
Messages : 91

Re : 425cc engine 6 volt

sorry also how can i test the bobine



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#3 08-02-2019 18:53:18

Visiteur Assidu
Lieu : Sault (84)
Inscription : 02-11-2017
Messages : 826

Re : 425cc engine 6 volt

Hi there. Yuo can test your coil with a Ohm-meter.
The primary should be around 1ohm (i don't know the exact value for a 6V ignition system, it should be close to the "electronic ignition" 12V coils) the secundary should be around 10Kohm

The primary coil is between + and -, the secundary is betwenn high voltage outputs and -

Dyane Luxe 67, Dyane Confort 68, des cousines bicylindres et d'autres autos hautement chevronnées.

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